Friday 14 June 2013

Favourite Flower

Peonies are my favourite flower, but I never knew there were so many varieties. I came across this glossary of Peonies on Pinterest and thought it was beautiful and helpful- now I know that the peony beside my bed is an abalone pearl, which has opened up. Peonies are such a delicate, lush and wondrous flower.
Do you have a favourite flower?


  1. Love Peonies too! Didn't realise there were so many types, they all look so beautiful!

    Heels forever

  2. I love peonies and lillies they are just gorgeous and your bedside peonie oh my word , just beautiful honey .

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  3. So pretty. I would love to grow them.

  4. Thanks everyone for stopping by and leaving me a comment, makes my day :)



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