
Friday, 19 July 2013

Wonderful In Winter- Cradle Mountain

I’ve recently come back from a little holiday with my dad and brother to Cradle Mountain. For those of you that don’t know of Cradle Mountain, it forms the northern end of the wild Cradle Mountain- Lake St Clair National Park, Tasmania, Australia. Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park is known for its soaring peaks, alpine landscapes, picturesque walks and fascinating wildlife. I am so pleased that I’ve finally visited this part of Tasmania; it’s absolutely picture perfect- Mountains, snow everywhere, rainforests and cute native wildlife.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   There is actually a lot to do in ‘Cradle-Country’, there is more to see than a mountain (although this magnificent mountain was a highlight for me). We spent our time horse riding, which I loved; the scenery and the horses were beautiful. We went on a quad bike tour, which was awesome fun although there were a few moments where we had to push our quad bikes through thick snow. It was hard work but in the end it was worth it as the mountainous views were spectacular! We walked the iconic ‘Dove Lake’ 2 hour walking track, resulting in some great shots of Cradle- as you can see. We visited the Wilderness Gallery, which has a display of world-class nature photography- amazing photos. We also did everything else in between i.e. ate good food, had snowball fights, took too many photos of the adorable wildlife, relaxed and enjoyed the warmth of the fireplace, encountered cute but evil possums who were trying to break into our cabin and last but not least we created more special family memories.
Visiting Cradle Mountain was an amazing experience, it totally captivates you… I can’t wait to go back and visit again! 


  1. Hi Mel just posted but dont know what happened..
    anyway loved the trip and you got some great photos. Also really enjoyed the caves and the honey farm on the way home. How much fun was the beer and pizza night watching Collingwood get up over Adelaide? What a magic place. Enjoyed every minute of it.

  2. It look stunning! I've never heard of it but I don't know why because it looks spectacular... thanks for sharing!

    x Natalie

  3. Wow. Amazing images.


  4. that little wombat is super cute! looks gorgeous and very cold at the same time :) great photos


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